Food Compatibility Testing FAQ

Approximately ½ teaspoon cut from the nape of neck, or arm/leg hair. If no hair, saliva on a cotton bud, place in a plastic zip lock bag. (Babies)

No. The equipment is calibrated to suit each hair sample.

This equipment works on the electrical systems of the body. Every cell in the body requires electrical simulation to function correctly. Incompatible foods and products can interfere with this electrical stimulation. All cells in creation have their own electro magnetic signature. This electromagnetic field in the hair and the electromagnetic field of each food and product are brought together and either attract (COMPATIBLE) or repel (INCOMPATIBLE). The equipment is calibrated to a level which displays this on a computerised graph through a unique system of equipment and software.

These tests relate to allergies type symptom. When there is an underlying allergy or allergic reaction, there is a compromised immune system. (poor electrical cell function)

Compatibly testing is designed at a level where we test for foods and household products that compromise cellular function. Poor cellular function leads to inflammation, which is involved in most dis-ease states, including allergies. The compatibility test is testing at a much deeper level.

It is possible to experience symptoms of elimination such as bad breath, coated tongue, excess mucous, gunk in the eyes etc. This depends on the toxicity associated to the condition.

Skin conditions may get temporarily worse, skin being a large eliminator organ.

Usually, symptom relief can occur in 3-10 days as the inflammation settles. By the end of 4 weeks, the body is in repair process stage. Results may vary on the severity of symptoms.

No, this is a Compatibly test which tests for food and products that are Incompatible or Compatible with the individual.

What problems may I encounter when I start the program?

It is possible to experience symptoms of elimination such as bad breath, coated tongue, excess mucous, gunk in the eyes etc. This depends on the toxicity associated to the condition.

Skin conditions may get temporarily worse, skin being a large eliminator organ.

Excess inflammatory mediators in the bloodstream cause inflammation. To cover all scenarios and gain the maximum benefit for the client it is recommend a minimum of 6 months. Our experience has shown up to 75% improvement in symptoms when the items are eliminated for 6 months. Some items will take longer depending on compliancy, others never correct depending on the amount of tissue damage.

Every food or product that is not on the list is assumed as being incompatible to the body unless individually tested. Eating as little as one incompatible item three times a week can slow down or stop the repair process.

The original sample is tested on symptomatic level(the red zone) which rates between 60 – 80; under 60 the item is incompatible. During the 6 months, it is very possible for the items at borderline to present in the red zone. It is encouraged to take the test at 6 months to further encourage the body’s order of healing. If previous foods in red are now in black, it is recommended to slowly reintroduce this food to avoid a rebound of this item.(see reintroducing food)

There is a very strict procedure for reintroducing corrected items to help lower the risk of rebound. Reintroduction must be guided by your practitioner.

It is possible to experience elimination symptoms such as Bad breath, coated tongue, excess mucous, gunk in the eyes etc. This depends on the toxicity associated to their condition. Skin conditions may get temporarily worse, skin being a large eliminatory organ.

With this program we are getting as close to the cause of the problem, not just treating symptoms.

Some people do experience weight loss on this program. The program assists the body to detox/eliminate better.

Eating intolerant food causes inflammation of mucus membranes, including the membranes in the throat and nose. When inhaling dust, fuel, pollutants etc. these irritate the already swollen sensitive mucus membrane which may lead to hay fever/sinus symptoms. When the intolerances are removed it reduces the swelling, therefore making the external environment more tolerable.

If you reintroduce food that has not corrected, symptoms may return and often be much worse. There is a likelihood that this could undo all what has been gained on the program.

Retesting is recommended between 6 and 9 months. We find that around 85% of bad items will correct at this point. Some will remain and may take up later on. There may be a few new ones. The new ones are added to your first list for another 4 weeks. After the 4 weeks, we have a very strict protocol for reintroducing corrected items.

Firstly, improvement is very dependent on the client following the instructions very strictly for the full 6 months.

Secondly, it could mean the body just needs more time.

At this stage other influences such as viruses, parasites, heavy metals may present. The major plus of this test is it allows the body to heal in the order it wants to heal. For example, the main symptom may be headaches and minor symptoms, bloating, constipation and muscle aches. Eliminating the red items individually to the person the body will determine which ailment improves first, therefore the headache may be the first to go or the last symptom to go. When we treat ourselves symptomatically, like taking a Panadol for the headache, we will get temporally relief because the underlying causes have not been addressed.

Processing and cooking changes the structure of the food. Synergy plays a major part; for example, White flour cooked with other ingredients may neutralise the reactivity.

Whole foods are tested,  this means foods are tested as you eat them. For example, 28 different species of tomatoes raw and cooked are tested under the item tomato.

The eggs composition will reflect what the hens are eating.

No, organic meat is included in meat.

It is possible the body is not digesting it well at this stage or elevating sugar levels. Mostly this situation corrects by the end of the program.

Yes, the youngest baby we have tested was 3 days old.

We do have specific protocols for conception, pregnancy, and babies. Refer to your Consultant.

Yes, send in a small sample of your pet’s hair/fur in a seal zip locked bag.

IBS is inflammation of the bowel. This program is focused on finding which food and products are causing the inflammation leading to IBS.

Inflammation is common to most skin conditions. Skin conditions can be caused by a compacted/constipated bowel. By improving elimination, we are assisting the skin to repair.

This program is focused on finding which food and products are causing the inflammation.

Often, wheat sugar and dairy aggravate symptoms. Eating incompatible food works collectively, and we need to eliminate them all to be effective.

Eating one incompatible food a day is enough to cause inflammation and stop the repair process.

Sometimes supplements can force the body to repair out of sequence.

Supplements are best taken after 4 weeks under your consultant’s guidance.

Seek advice from your prescribing practitioner before stopping or reducing supplements and medications.

Every food or product that is not on the list is assumed as being incompatible to the body unless individually tested. Eating as little as one incompatible item three times a week can slow down or stop the repair process.

Do you still have questions? No worries.

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